Guest Book
Character & Clan Kinfolk
Please join me and my friends on Sorcerynet #Vosok_Estates, #The_Hall, where we free form role play. We are a combination of Vampire: The Masquerade, White Wolf, DragonLance and characters from other worlds. We have a lot of fun, and would love for you to join us!
Waylan Majere McQueen
When I first began role playing, I had just ran thru the first 13 DragonLance novels, and most closely related to Tika. I automatically chose her to play, and fell in with a group of people on Efnets #vampyre. This began my long career changing the character beyond the original authors visions. However, let me take this opportunity to pay homage to the writers Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman, and all the TSR writers, for they are some of the most talented writers I have ever read, and my biggest inspiration. I explained her sudden appearance on IRC with the tale of her getting caught in one of Raistlin's spells. It split her into two people, one who stayed on Krynn having children, and one being thrust into cyberspace. I have a detailed profile on the home page of #darksyde, but have not loaded it here yet. Sorry, its kinda long, but you know how aspiring writers can ramble
Clan Kinfolk
Clan Kinfolk is a clan of mostly non-vampirical entities who find themselves
alone, and without family. We are an assortment of people, from many worlds.
We are mages, healers, and warriors. Some human, a garou, one vampiress,
and almost all possessing a form of immortality. We fight for the protection
of our clan, and the domain we inhabit, #darksyde and #vampirecity.
Tika was promoted to Second in Command in the second month of her joining by the leader, BlkVelvet. After Tika's absence (explained in the long profile) and subsequent return, she found the clan scattered to the four winds, most dead. Taking claim to leadership with the disappearance of BlkVelvet, she spent a long time rebuilding Kinfolk's bloodlines, estates for the families of the members and the clan coffers. She is very proud of the people who make up Kinfolk, and is planning on stepping down, and assuming Kinfolk Council Leadership. She plans to name as her successor, her mate and Second in Command, Bhaltair McQueen. :] I will have a complete roster posted soon. :]
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This is my friend, and IRC mates home page. He does some neat stuff in rl, so check it out!!!
This is the home page dedicated to my IRC channel #darksyde. Meet my friends, then join us for some RPG'ing. We have a lot of fun J
This is my friend Lilly-Dars home page. She is also from #darksyde & #vampirecity. She is a darling entity, so take a peek.
This is my friend Demonia's page. She has tons of links and cool stuff!
This is the best DragonLance page I have ever been to.
I love the Xena and Hercules shows. This is the best Xena page I have found.
You have to go here if you like Celtic type music. This is some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard, and a must hear page!!!!!!!!
For any of you writing books, or comic books, my friend Theron owns his own publishing company. This is his banner. So if you are looking for a publisher for your creations, this is the place to go!!!!
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Please feel free to mail me with any comments or suggestions you may
have. I am always looking for ways to make this page better. Especially
if you can teach me some of this html stuff!!!!
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of My Favorite Authors
Each of these authors I highly recommend to those who love epic fantasy. Each author listed has a list of series which I hope you will like as much as I do.
TSRS Dragonlance
Anything with DragonLance on the cover is excellent. Also, there is a wonderful series about an elf named Drizzt Du'uarden laced within another series called Forgotten Realms. And don't forget The Death Gate Cycle.
Anne McCaffrey
Anything with Pern in the title. A must read!!! She has an untitled series about future psychics which include the novels The Wings of Pegasus, The Rowan, Damia and Damia's Children. I really enjoyed this one. Also check out her Ship Who series. There are 3 in all that I know of. And the two novels about the Crystal Singer are great too.
Terry Brooks
An absolute must is the Shanarra series. He also did a great series about the Magic Kingdom. This series includes the novels Tangle Box and The Black Unicorn.
Raymond Feist
His series about the Magician is wonderful. Other novels that intertwine with this series include Polgara and Krondor The Betrayal. There is a CD-Rom game that goes with this novel.
Other Authors to Check Out...
Mercedes Lackey, Barbara Hambley, Frank Herbert, Roger Zelazny, Marion Zimmer Bradley
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Real Me
I absolutely love dragons !!!!! There has never been a more fantastic or magnificent creature in all of literature, in my own opinion. My personal favorites are the metallics, and especially the silver ones. I hope to have many dragon pictures in the "under construction" art gallery. I have a ton of dragon jewelry that I wear every day, along with Celtic runes.
I am an aspiring writer, being in the middle of an epic fantasy novel.
And because of my irc friends, I have another idea about vampires on the
internet thats bursting to be written. My biggest dream is to see my novels
on the shelves of stores everywhere. I have done quite a few short stories,
and a small amount of poetry.
I am a in the zodiac, and was born in the year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar.
I am a die hard rocker. I love Queensryche, Judas Priest, Triumph, old Journey, Bad Company, Ted Nugent and Def Leppard. I have also discovered a hidden obsession with Celtic music. If you know of any really good sources, please let me know!!!
Please take a moment to sign my guest book. I will be most happy to respond to your message if you wish. Thank you M'Lord and M'Lady.....
my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! |
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May Paladine watch over you.
Last Revised: August 9th, 1999
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